10:09 AM

#9 - Dader

Posted by CAM |

Every night missions are launched in my home to advert bedtime. We have the typical, "I need a drink of water" excuses.

Ethan's is the most creative. He comes in my bedroom, sits on my bed and says, "Mommy, we need to talk about Dader."

At first I thought Dader was a new imaginary friend. I have realized that Dader is actually the physical therapist my husband had after having knee surgery. Ethan had fallen while he was here one day, cut open a spot right above his eye and "Dader" helped him.

Fortunately, I can sometimes be as creative as my children, so when Ethan wants to talk about Dader, I pick up the phone and pretend to call him. Dader then sends a message to Ethan to GO TO BED.


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